[1] 侯爽,刘爱利,黄鸿. 中国文化旅游产业的发展趋势探讨,首都师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 40(4): 53-61.
[2] 邓志勇,刘爱利.礼俗仪式音乐的声景学研究方法,中国音乐,2019, (3):54-60.
[3] 戴旭俊,*刘爱利. 地方认同的内涵维度及影响因素研究进展,地理科学进展,2019,38(5): 662-674.
[4] 韩雪,*刘爱利.旅游感知的研究内容及测评方法,旅游学刊,2019,34(4): 106-118.
[5] Aili Liu, *Xuan Lorna Wang, Fucheng Liu, Changhong Yao, Zhiyong Deng. Soundscape and its influence on tourist satisfaction,The Service Industries Journal, 2018, 38(3-4): 164-181.
[6] 刘福承,*刘爱利,刘敏.游客满意度的内涵、测评及形成机理——国外相关研究综述,地域研究与开发,2017, 36(5): 97-103.
[7] 刘福承,刘爱利,刘敏,韩雪,姚长宏. 基于居民感知的古村落声景变迁及影响研究——以安徽宏村为例,旅游科学,2017, 31(4): 49-63.
[8] 陈婉丽,刘爱利,张然. 基于旅游发展视角的世界城市研究进展与评述,首都师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 38(1): 64-70.
[9] 刘爱利,刘福承,*刘敏,邓志勇. 国内外旅游声景研究进展,旅游学刊,2016,31(3):114-126.
[10] 刘敏,窦群,刘爱利,赵瑞克. 城市居民亲子旅游消费特征与趋势研究——基于家庭结构变化的背景,资源开发与市场,2016, 32(11): 1404-1408.
[11] Min Liu, Qiong Sun, Aili Liu. Composition of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Dairy Products and Their Effect on Tourism Development of Inner Mongolia, The Annals of the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati Fascicle VI – Food Technology, 2016, 40(1), 67-77.
[12] 刘福承,刘爱利. 基于灰色关联分析法的旅游因素关系分析——以北京入境旅游市场为例. 首都师范大学学报(自然科学版),2016,37(13):84-90.
[13] 谢婷,刘爱利. 绿色饭店企业形象与消费者行为意向关系探研,企业经济,2016,(2):10-16.
[14] 刘爱利,涂琼华,*刘敏,刘福承. 宗教型遗产地旅游商业化的演化过程及机制——以嵩山少林寺为例,地理研究,2015,34(9):1781-1794.
[15] 刘爱利,陈婉丽,纪鹏. 北京市旅游产业要素的空间分布规律研究,现代城市研究,2015,(9):101-107.
[16] 刘敏,*刘爱利. 基于业态视角的城市建筑遗产再利用——以北京南锣鼓巷历史街区为例,旅游学刊,2015,30(4):115-126.
刘敏,*刘爱利,孙琼,赵瑞克. 国内外旅游城镇化研究进展,人文地理,2015,30(6):13-18.
[18] 王润,刘爱利,郑健. 北京市怀柔区雁栖镇旅游产业集群特征研究,地域研究与开发,2015,(3):96-100+142.
[19] 谢婷,刘爱利. 消费者在文化遗产旅游地的行为意向研究,消费经济,2015,(5):66-72.
[20] 刘敏,刘爱利,吴宁. 城市建筑遗产再利用中的商业业态选择研究——基于市场兴趣点的北京南锣鼓巷案例研究,中国名城,2015,(12):64-70.
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[23] 邓志勇,*刘爱利,陈昊奎.历史文化街区声景语义的主观评价研究——基于人文地理学的视角,人文地理,2014,29(1):35-42.
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[26] 刘爱利,胡中州,*刘敏等.声景学及其在旅游地理研究中的应用,地理研究,2013,32(6):1132-1142.
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[28] 刘爱利,刘敏,姚长宏.旅游地形象营销过程体系的构建及案例实证,技术经济与管理研究,2012,(11):86-91.
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[33] 刘敏,刘爱利. 金融危机对北京旅游服务贸易的影响及对策,北京工商大学学报(社会科学版),2009,(5):96-100.
[34] 刘爱利,刘家明,刘敏.国外飞地旅游研究进展,人文地理,2008,23(1):102-106+56.
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[37] 刘敏,陈田,刘爱利. 旅游地游憩价值评估研究进展,人文地理,2008,23(1):13-19.
[38] 刘敏,陈田,高飞,刘爱利.民族自治区域的民族民俗旅游开发研究——以吉林省延边朝鲜族自治州为例,干旱区资源与环境,2008, 22(3): 140-146. (2008/03)
[39] 张宪玉,刘家明,吴月湖,刘爱利. 包头市旅游形象定位研究,干旱区资源与环境,2008, 22(3): 128-133. (2008/03)
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[43] 刘家明,刘爱利,陈田.滑雪旅游开发布局影响因素与对策研研究——以内蒙古自治区滑雪旅游开发为例,地理科学进展,2005,24(5):105-112.
[44] Aili Liu, Xue Han, *Zhiyong Deng, Fucheng Liu. Relationship between Visual-auditory perception and tourist satisfaction, The 46th International Congress on Noise Control Engineering (InterNoise 2017),Hong Kong, 2017.8.27-2017.8.30.
[45] Xue Han,*Aili Liu,Min Liu. Noise Perception and Its Effects on Tourists' Satisfaction: A Case Study of Nanluoguxiang Lane in Beijing,The 46th International Congress on Noise Control Engineering (InterNoise 2017),Hong Kong, 2017.8.27-2017.8.30.
[46] Zhiyong Deng,*Aili Liu,Daiwei Wang,Siyuan Gao,Danfeng Bai,Yijia Yuan. A Soundscape Analysis to the Historical and Ethnomusicology Area of Ethnic Tourism,The 46th International Congress on Noise Control Engineering (InterNoise 2017),Hong Kong, 2017.8.27-2017.8.30.
[47] Yijia Yuan, Wei Hua, Daiwei Wang, Aili Liu, Zhiyong Deng. A Full Spectrum Analysis for the Bronze-drum of Zhuang Nationality and its Musical Geography Perspective. The 12thWestern Pacific Acoustics Conference 2015, 2015/12/6-2015/12/9.
[48] Zhiyong Deng, Jian Kang, Aili Liu. Effects of psychoacoustical factors on the perception of musical signals in the context of environmental SoundScape. The 138thAudio Engineering Society Convention, AES 2015, 2015/5/7-2015/5/10, pp 489-494, Warsaw, Poland, 2015/5.
[49] Aili Liu, Fucheng Liu, Zhiyong Deng, et al, Relationship between Soundscape and Historical-cultural Elements of Historical Areas in Beijing: A Case Study of Qianmen Avenue. INTERNOISE 2014 - 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering: Improving the World through Noise Control, November 16-19, 2014, Melbourne, Australia, No. 903.
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[51] Aili Liu, Fucheng Liu, Min Liu. Big Data and Its Application in Tourism Industry: A Theoretical Review and Analysis. International Conference on Management and Engineering (CME), May 24-25, 2014, Shanghai, pp: 473-479.
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[54] Zhiyong Deng, Daiwei Wang, Aili Liu, et.al. Semantic Assessment for The Soundscape of Chinese Ethnic Historical Areas. InterNoise 2013, September 15-18, Innsbruck, Austria, No. 0123, P268.
[55] Min Liu, Aili Liu. Method of Management Right Value Assessment of Scenic Areas. 2011 International Conference on Computer Science and Service System, CSSS 2011- Proceedings: 500-504, 2011.
邓志勇,刘爱利,周国文,华伟. 《族群聚落声音:声景学视野下的文化生态》,北京:旅游教育出版社,2015年.
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